- Ashley Tisdale says that she had very different postpartum experiences after her two births.
- The star of “High School Musical” felt “stole” his first experience as a mother due to postpartum depression.
- But welcoming his second child to the family was a “very easy transition,” she said.
Ashley Tisdale, 39, is delighted that she is again mom.
The star of “High School Musical” told Us Weekly that welcome to her second child was a chance to live maternity again because she felt “stolen” from her first experience because of postpartum, or PPD depression.
“To be able to review this experience and have it in such a way and be so present, it makes me cherish every moment,” said Tisdale.
Tisdale and her husband, Christopher French, were married in 2014. They welcomed their first daughter, Jupiter, in 2021 and their second daughter, Emerson, in September.
So far, it has been a “really easy transition” for the family, she said.
When she became a mom for the first time, Tisdale said she was nervous and did not know what to expect.
“With the second, you feel so much more confident,” she said.
She also attributes her husband for her support.
“I feel like I balance,” said Tisdale. “There are times when Chris is really the fun parent and I could be a little stricter. And then there are times when he is a little strict with planning, and I am a really fun parent.”
In a September article on his website, written about two weeks after giving birth to his second child, Tisdale thought about how his two postpartum experiences were different.
When she had her first child, “something just didn’t click for me as a new mom,” wrote Tisdale.
“I expected to feel certain things as a new mother, but I did not do it. Instead, I spent a lot of time feeling sad and anxious-and guilty of feeling this,” she continued. “It took me a while to realize that I was going through postpartum depression. Fortunately, I came out in time, but I remember feeling the joy that I hoped to live.”
Fortunately, things were different with his second child.
“When I looked for the first time in Emerson’s eyes, I immediately had the link I dreamed of. This postpartum period was so much easier because I feel like my normal self, and I feel 100% connected with my daughters,” she wrote.
Tisdale is not the only famous mother to have been opened to experience a postpartum depression.
In a March 2017 trial for glamor, Chrissy Teigen shared that the taking of antidepressants helped her in postpartum depression. She was diagnosed with the condition after giving birth to her daughter, Luna, in April 2016.
During an episode in 2020 by Jameela Jamil “”I weigh “PodcastReese Witherspoon shared that she had undergone postpartum depression after the birth of two of her three children.
Based on CDC data, one in eight women in the United States, reports symptoms of depression after childbirth.
Certain symptoms of postpartum depression include serious mood swings, crying too much and difficulty binding with the newborn.
A Tisdale representative did not immediately respond to a request for comments sent by Business Insider outside regular hours.