Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor shares a close bond with his father, veteran producer Boney Kapoor. But the hunk rarely spoke about his late mother-in-law, legendary actor Sridevi. In an interview with Galatta India, Arjun made a rare mention of his mother-in-law Sridevi. Arjun referred to Sridevi and called her Sridevi ma’am while talking about Satish Kaushik’s 1993 dud Roop Ki Rani Choron Ka Raja, produced by Boney. The film starred Arjun’s uncle Anil Kapoor and Sridevi in the lead roles.
Arjun said, “My entire life with my father happened on the set of Roop Ki Rani Choron Ka Raja. Even by today’s standards, it’s one of the greatest films we’ve ever made. The film cost ₹10 crore in 1992. It had Anil Kapoor, Sridevi madam and Jaggu dada, Jackie Shroff. Anupam Kher was the villain. And there was a pigeon with Anil chachu (uncle) in the film, called Django, and he was my favorite character at the time.
Meanwhile, Sridevi was already dating Boney, while he was married to Arjun’s mother Mona. Boney and Mona separated in 1996 and he later married Sridevi the same year. Arjun was 10 years old then, while his younger sister Anshula Kapoor was five. Boney and Sridevi had two daughters – Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor, who are now Bollywood actresses.
Arjun was with his father when his stepmother Sridevi died of accidental drowning in 2018. The actor later confessed that he felt protective towards his half-sisters Janhvi and Khushi after the tragedy. He revealed how his bond with his younger sister Anshula grew closer to Janhvi and Khushi. Arjun lost his own mother, Mona, to cancer in 2012 and later made his acting debut in Habib Faisal’s romantic thriller Ishaqzaade. Coincidentally, Sridevi died months before the release of Janhvi’s debut film, Shashank Khaitan’s romantic drama Dhadak.
On the work front, Arjun will be seen in Mudassar Aziz’s romantic comedy Mere Husband Ki Biwi with Bhumi Pednekar and Rakul Preet Singh. The film will be released in theaters on February 21.
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