April 22, 2024 – The Mercury News

A player from the club came to me with a complaint I had heard before.

“Have you ever felt like your brain is giving you the silent treatment? he asked me. “I must be the worst guesser in the world. I always feel like I’m wrong.

My friend had played today’s 3NT, and West was leading the two of spades: three, king, ace. South led a diamond to dummy’s queen, and East won and returned a spade.

“I took the queen,” South told me, “and led another diamond. When West threw a heart, I won at dummy and then led the AK and a third club. When West called low, I put the queen up. East moved away and I only took eight tricks. Anyone else would have managed to create clubs.


The South should guess correctly. West’s lead on the deuce of spades suggested a four-card holding, and West had only one diamond. But with a five-card suit, he would have led that suit against 3NT.

The South should place the West with a 4-4-1-4 distribution and play dummy’s ten on the third club.

This week: good idea.


You hold: SK 10 8 HKJ 10 DK 10 9 6 3 C 9 8. Your partner opens a club, you answer a diamond and he announces a spade. The opponents pass. What do you say?

ANSWER: This is a matter of judgment. Your hand sits on the fence between a 1NT bid and an invitational jump to a 2NT game. In my opinion, the odds of play with this hand are too strong not to invite. You have a five-card suit and excellent spot cards that can be a non-trump factor. Bid 2NT.

South Dealer

BORN. vulnerable


S 7 4 3

H 9 5


CQ10 3 2


SJ9 6 2

HQ 6 4 3

Day 8

CJ 7 6 4


Sask. 10 8


DK 10 9 6 3




HA 8 7 2

D 7 4 2


South West North East
1 Pass NT 3 Pass NT All
Opening lead — S 2

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