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Antioch hit by series of shows, police arrest 11 people, stolen vehicles recovered (mayor)

Antioch police arrested 11 people after the city was hit Saturday with an “unprecedented” number of screaming tire noises, Mayor Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe said.

Ten shows — events typically involving young people in hot cars burning rubber and performing driving stunts surrounded by enthusiastic crowds blocking roads or intersections — took place in Antioch on Saturday after 2 p.m., Hernandez-Thorpe said in a Facebook video posted Saturday around 10 p.m.

“It’s very disappointing,” Thorpe said. “It’s a shame to see so many young people running in these streets.”

The mayor promised that vehicular revelers – and some of their parents – would be held responsible.

As of Sunday afternoon, 11 people had been arrested for participating in entertainment or possessing stolen cars, the mayor said in a second Facebook post. Two stolen vehicles were recovered and six cars impounded, he said.

Hernandez-Thorpe said he expected more arrests.

California Daily Newspapers

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