Anti-Israel UPenn student finds himself ‘homeless’ after coming from a wealthy family

A University of Pennsylvania student who said she was left “homeless” when administrators kicked her off campus for participating in an anti-Israel encampment is the daughter of a wealthy Filipino family.

Eliana Atienza, 19 — who told the Philadelphia Inquirer she had no one to turn to for help in the United States after being kicked off campus in early May — is the daughter of Kim Atienza, a Prominent media personality in the Philippines who loves showing off her extravagant lifestyle online.

His mother, Felicia Atienza, graduated from Wharton Business School and served as president and CEO of several international schools over the years, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

A University of Pennsylvania student who says she was left “homeless” when administrators kicked her off campus for participating in an anti-Israel encampment comes from a wealthy Filipino family. Instagram

The family enjoys flaunting their wealth on social media, with posts showing off their extensive motorcycle collection, first-class flights with private showers and caviar service, and celebrity encounters.

Despite being supposedly destitute, Atienza recently took a trip to Antarctica, according to posts on her own social media, and has traveled around the world, including to Alaska and Paris.

Nonetheless, Atienza claimed in an interview with KYW Newsradio that UPenn administrators left her on the streets, with nowhere to turn.

“I don’t have any family to go home to here,” she told the outlet.

Eliana Atienza, 19 — who told the Philadelphia Inquirer she had no one to turn to for help in the United States after being kicked off campus in early May — is the daughter of Kim Atienza, a Prominent media personality in the Philippines. Instagram / Eliana Atienza
The family enjoys flaunting their wealth on social media, with posts showing off their extensive motorcycle collection, first-class flights with private showers and caviar service, and celebrity encounters. Instagram / Eliana Atienza

She was one of six students suspended from campus on May 9 for participating in an anti-Israel encampment that occupied campus grounds to protest Israel and its war against Hamas following its deadly October 7 terrorist attack.

Police began dispersing the camp the next day.

Atienza participated in unsuccessful negotiations with school administrators over the protesters’ desire to see the university divest from any Israel-related investments.

She is also part of Fossil Free Penn – dedicated to the school divestment from fossil fuel companies – which co-signed a letter of support for “Palestinians fighting to free their land from Israeli occupation,” published just a few days later. October 7.

Atienza did not respond to requests for comment.

New York Post

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