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Another homophobia blow for AFL as shocking news surfaces about Alastair Clarkson after coach’s horrific outburst

  • Used homophobic language to insult St Kilda players
  • Jeremy Finlayson and Wil Powell also use slurs recently

The AFL has suffered another blow when it comes to homophobia after it was revealed North Melbourne coach Alastair Clarkson has yet to begin any form of education following his highly offensive slurs uttered during a pre-season game more than two months ago.

Veteran journalist Caroline Wilson confirmed the developments to Channel Nine. Footy classified Monday evening.

“(Alastair) Clarkson hasn’t had any form of education in this space yet,” Wilson said.

‘North says it will be an ‘all-club approach’ in June.

“Given the seriousness of the sanctions imposed on the players concerned and the outcry caused by manager Alastair Clarkson, one would have expected the educational element of the sanctions to be as swift as it was comprehensive.”

North Melbourne coach Alastair Clarkson (pictured) has yet to begin any form of education following his on-field insult delivered during a pre-season match more than two months ago.

North Melbourne coach Alastair Clarkson (pictured) has yet to begin any form of education following his on-field insult delivered during a pre-season match more than two months ago.

Leading AFL journalist Caroline Wilson confirmed the clash’s developments on Channel Nine’s Footy Classified on Monday.

Speaking on 3AW Radio, Wilson called Clarkson a “protected species” and believed the AFL had not criticized the Kangaroos coach enough.

Clarkson was fined $20,000 and given a suspended two-match suspension for a homophobic slur directed at St Kilda defender Jimmy Webster following a hit on North Melbourne captain Jy Simpkin.

The Kangaroos coach allegedly used the word “c**k****er” during an exchange of words with Webster and fellow Saints defender Dougal Howard.

Wilson’s development about Clarkson comes as Port Adelaide forward Jeremy Finlayson received a three-match suspension from the AFL after hitting an Essendon player with a shocking insult during the Gather Round in Adelaide.

And on May 9, Gold Coast Suns defender Wil Powell was suspended for five matches after using the same homophobic slur during the derby against Brisbane.

“All of the above raises a question. What is more important here, optics or education? Wilson said.

Her too declared that Clarkson is a “protected species”.

Gold Coast Suns defender Wil Powell was recently suspended for five matches after using a homophobic slur during the Brisbane derby.

Port Adelaide star Jeremy Finlayson (centre) has been handed a three-match suspension following his comment towards an Essendon player during the Gather Round last month.

“The AFL said the word used by (Jeremy) Finlayson was worse than Clarkson’s,” Wilson added.

“I don’t think that’s an excuse for not suspending Clarkson…Finlayson didn’t have any priors either, Alastair had plenty…he seems to be a protective breed.”

“Clarkson’s apology has been (also) mixed…if the AFL were honest with themselves they would admit they were going too easy on him.”

On the field, Clarkson’s men have been diabolical this season.

The Kangaroos are yet to win in 2024 after nine matches – and in round 10 they face in-form Essendon at Marvel Stadium on May 19.

No team has gone winless in a VFL/AFL season since Fitzroy in 1964, when they finished their dismal campaign 0-18.

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