
Another Covid-type threat? Chinese scientists create a virus in the laboratory capable of killing in THREE days

Scientists at Hebei Chinese Medical University have designed a virus using parts of the Ebola virus, ostensibly to analyze the disease and its symptoms, but this is raising fears because the pathogen could potentially kill within three days. The genetically engineered virus turned out to be a variant that reportedly killed laboratory hamsters in just three days of exposure.

The world may see a new threat from China, amid already existing conspiracy theories that the coronavirus (COVID-19), which has killed millions, was leaked from a Wuhan laboratory.

The recent study, published in Science Direct, found that researchers used a glycoprotein found in the Ebola virus, which causes the virus to infect cells and spread throughout the human body, to create the pathogen by laboratory.

They created a strain that caused severe systemic illnesses similar to those seen in human Ebola patients, including multiorgan failure.

According to the study, some hamsters developed crusts on the surface of their eyeballs, which eventually affected their vision.

As cited by Science Direct, the researchers said: “This is a sign that 3-week-old Syrian hamsters infected with the virus have the possibility of playing a role in the study of optic nerve disorders caused by EVD. »

The study mentions that the animal experiments were carried out after being approved by the Animal Experiment Committee of the Laboratory Animal Center of Changchun Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Since Covid was declared a public health emergency of international concern in January 2020, several claims and counterclaims have been made regarding its origin. Many believed it spread in a live animal market before spreading across the world. But some also claimed it was a leak from a laboratory.

However, in this study, the Chinese researchers emphasized that their goal was to replicate the symptoms of Ebola in a controlled laboratory environment. They wanted to understand and facilitate prevention strategies.

Notably, scientists and researchers used a different virus, vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), to carry the Ebola glycoprotein because the deadly Ebola virus requires Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4) facilities. ) exceptionally secure. The mentioned protein is essential for the virus’s ability to enter and infect host cells.

As cited by Science Direct, the researchers said: “Overall, this surrogate model represents a safe, effective and economical tool for rapid preclinical evaluation of medical countermeasures against EBOV (Ebola virus) under conditions BSL-2, which would accelerate technological progress and breakthroughs in the fight against Ebola virus disease.

(With contribution from agencies)

Srishti Singh Sisodia

Srishti Singh Sisodia is a digital journalist at WION and writes primarily on global politics. She is a die-hard FC Barcelona fan. She follows world sports and enjoys

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