
Andy Cohen Reacts to John Mayer Rumors About Their Friendship

In his response to THRRecent cover story on Cohen, Mayer called co-editor in chief Maer RoshanThe question about ‘deeply erroneous’ dating rumors.

“I think to suggest that people doubt a friendship like mine and Andy’s is to undermine the public’s ability to accept and understand diversity in all facets of culture, whether in art or in real life,” the Grammy winner wrote. “I would like to think that they are sophisticated enough to consider a relationship like ours without assuming that it must include a sexual component. This ignorantly turns the concept of homosexuality into a two-dimensional concept, which I know, is not the case. I don’t question that at all.”

In the interview, Cohen defended his platonic love for Mayer.

“Honestly, I love John Mayer, and he loves me,” he told the outlet. “But because we’re so affectionate with each other, people don’t know what box to put that in. They assume we’re sleeping together, which is definitely not the case.”

John and Andy’s adorable friendship isn’t the only beloved dynamic in Hollywood. Keep reading to see more celebrities and their BFFs.


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