Norovirus cases have increased this winter, with epidemics of the infamous stomach bug reaching more than double in the number of infections at the top of last year.
Because the virus is so contagious, it can spread quickly, especially among those who live in narrow neighborhoods – like a cruise ship or a nursing home. This means that people living under one roof are in danger if a person contracts the disease, which is characterized by symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea.
“Norovirus is difficult to avoid, especially in households, but you can reduce your risks,” said Dr. John Whyte, the head doctor of the webmd, in HuffPost.
To help prevent the spread of norovirus in your home, follow the steps below.
First, understand how contagious norovirus is.
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“Norovirus is extremely contagious,” said Amanda Joy, medical assistant and associate medical director of Medstar Health Urgent Care. “It only takes exposure to a few particles of viruses to spread it.”
The virus is easily propagated by direct contact with an infected person.
“It is not a respiratory virus, so it does not spread through cough or nasal droplets,” noted Whyte.
However, you will want to avoid sharing food or utensils with a sick person or consuming food that has been managed by them.
“Eating food or drinking liquids contaminated by norovirus or touching contaminated objects or surfaces, then put your unwashed fingers in your mouth will cause propagation,” said Joy.
Once you are exposed to Norovirus, it is generally necessary about 12 to 48 hours to develop symptoms. Most people are sick for one to three days, but they can remain contagious beyond this point.
“You can still spread norovirus up to 24 hours before the development of symptoms and for two weeks or more after you feel better,” added Joy.
Wash your hands a lot.
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“Frequent and in -depth hand washing is the best defense against norovirus,” said Joy. “It is important to rub your hands, between fingers and under the nail beds for 20 seconds.”
Even if you accidentally touch a contaminated surface, hand washing can help you be infected.
“Taking care of a sick child means narrower contact, so be very vigilant to wash your hands,” said Whyte.
Keep in mind that alcohol -based hand disinfectants are less effective than traditional soap and water against norovirus because the virus has an alcohol -resistant firm shell.
“The hand disinfectant unfortunately cannot completely eliminate the norovirus,” added Joy. “It takes only one to two particles of the virus so that it spreads. Hand disinfectants being only 99%effective, hand washing with hot water and soap is crucial to fully eliminate the risk. »»
Isolate the sick person as much as possible.
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“Isolation in a place and a bathroom that can be carefully cleaned is the best prevention route,” said Joy.
This option is of course more feasible if the infected person is an adult or older child and if you live in a house with several bathrooms and many private spaces.
“It is often much easier to isolate adults and make sure they are completely wash their hands,” said Joy. “Sick children often want to be held, causing more direct contact with the virus. If possible, identify a member of the household to take care of the child, which limits the risk of spread throughout the household. »»
Those who are infected should stay at home, even if their illness begins to improve.
“The key for the member of your household is to keep them hydrated with available rehydration solutions,” said Dr. Jason Newsland, head of the infectious disease division at the Children’s Hospital Nationwide.
If they become too dehydrated, he noted that they should go to urgent care where they can obtain intravenous liquid.
“There is no specific medication for treating norovirus, but your supplier can recommend anti-diarrheal or anti-nausea medicines over-the-counter,” said Joy. “Most people with norovirus feel better in one to three days, but must stay at home or work until the symptoms are fully resolved.”
Clean, clean,, And continue to clean.
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“Cleaning household surfaces with disinfectants can help stop the spread of Norovirus,” said Joy.
The Mayo clinic recommends using a chlorine whitening solution or a disinfectant known to be effective against norovirus. Clean any potentially contaminated area, especially in the shared areas of your home.
“Even after they feel better, keep cleaning to make sure the virus is completely gone,” said Whyte.
Because norovirus can cause terrible vomiting and diarrhea, you can end up with damage in the bathroom or elsewhere. Do not delay cleaning these areas and do not be careful.
Use paper towels and put them in a trash bag that you can remove immediately. Be careful not to shake or disturb the elements that have been soiled to avoid spreading viral particles. After disinfected the area, clean it again with soap and hot water.
Wear gloves.
Edwin Tan / Getty Images
When you disinfect your home and care about any infected person, get into the habit of wearing rubber or disposable gloves to avoid spreading the virus.
“Wear gloves when cleaning after the sick person and wash all the dirty laundry immediately,” advised Whyte.
Be very careful when you wash the clothes and sheets that may have vomiting or poop. And even after removing the gloves, don’t forget to wash your hands carefully with soap and water at the end of the process.
“Even washing the dishes of a sick patient can lead to spread if the person washing the dishes are not careful,” added Joy.
Avoid touching your face.
Silke Wowries / Getty Images
“Norovirus is easily spread by touching contaminated surfaces, then touching the mouth,” said Whyte.
To this end, he advised to touch your face when possible, in addition to the frequent washing of the hands.
Of course, we have learned through the covid-19 pandemic how difficult it can be to stop touching your face, but the more you can avoid rubbing or scratching your nose, eyes or mouth, better Your infection is to prevent infection.
Although the virus is more commonly spread by surface contact than air, wearing a facial mask can be a useful way to prevent you from touching your face.
Be very careful with the preparation of food.
“If someone is sick, don’t let him manage food preparation,” said Whyte.
Meanwhile, you will want to simplify meals and keep most people out of the kitchen, even if they do not show signs of illness.
“Avoid sharing utensils, food or drinks with anyone in cleaning because they can be contagious without symptoms,” said Joy.
If someone is preparing food for your family, they should be very careful.
“Make sure you wash the fruits and vegetables,” said Joy. “Steam without cleaning may not be adequate because the virus can survive temperatures up to 145 degrees Fahrenheit, so it should always be washed appropriately before steam.”This article originally appeared on HuffPost.