
American woman living in Amsterdam makes desperate appeal online for help finding her dying dog – only to fall head over heels for the pilot who stepped in to save her

It was love at first sight ! This dog was not only a woman’s best friend, but also the ultimate wingman – introducing her to her pilot boyfriend in his final days.

Adri Pendleton, 29, had been living in Amsterdam with her two dogs for six years when her relationship ended and she made the decision to return to the United States late last year.

As the TikTok creator prepared to return to Redding, California, she realized the hardest part would be also getting her 15-year-old border collie, Nelly, back.

Nelly, who has since died, suffered from epilepsy and suffered from a mild heart murmur.

Adri Pendleton, 29, had been living in Amsterdam with his two dogs, Loki and Nelly, for six years when his relationship ended. She decided to return to the United States

She quickly realized that the hardest part would also be bringing her 15-year-old border collie Nelly (photo) back to the United States.

She quickly realized that the hardest part would also be bringing her 15-year-old border collie, Nelly (pictured), back to the United States.

Due to Nelly’s health issues, Adri was hesitant to put the dog on a cargo ship for the plane ride home, and she was unable to find an airline that would allow a dog her size to travel in the cabin with her. on an international flight.

Adri realized that the only option to get his beloved dog back was to take a private plane. So she immediately started raising money to get home, posting videos to her other dog, Loki’s, TikTok account, which quickly went viral.

“People like (Loki) a lot. He has a half-paralyzed face, so he’s a funny guy,” Adri told People.

Fortunately, people have also looked sympathetically on Nelly and her plight, with her videos racking up tens of thousands of views and her GoFundMe gaining worldwide attention.

Her videos were also noticed by German pilot Niklas Stoeterau, 26, who said he was “touched” by her story and contacted her via TikTok to offer to bring the couple back to the United States.

Niklas, who was living in Hamburg at the time, said he could take Adri and his canine companion all the way to New Jersey because he was allowed to bring a guest at a heavily discounted price.

“I figured it might not be California, but at least it was on the right side of the Atlantic and it could bring Adri and Nelly closer to home,” Niklas pointed out.

“I called it my plus one and a half.”

Although it was a plan that would solve her transcontinental problems, Adri admitted she wasn’t sure at first.

Niklas, who was living in Hamburg at the time, reached out via TikTok saying he could take Adri and her canine companion up to New Jersey, to which she agreed.

Niklas, who was living in Hamburg at the time, reached out via TikTok saying he could take Adri and her canine companion up to New Jersey, to which she agreed.

The traveling companions first said goodbye in Newark, New Jersey, they couldn't stop thinking about each other.

The traveling companions first said goodbye in Newark, New Jersey, they couldn’t stop thinking about each other.

Sadly, Nelly passed away about a month after they returned to California, but Adri was grateful for the extra time she could spend with Nelly.

Sadly, Nelly passed away about a month after they returned to California, but Adri was grateful for the extra time she could spend with Nelly.


In response to @aandreeamgPLEASE SHARE and ⬇️ Please read: The GoFundMe description has ALL the information about our situation, which was just too much to post in one video. Some people think I should leave Nelly behind. Or euthanize him. But I can’t do it. My dogs are my reason to keep going and the reason I am currently studying to become a behaviorist. I have to at least try to bring them both home. Please also note that I will not tolerate any hateful or rude comments. Questions are welcome (please read the GoFundMe first, it probably has the answer), but rudeness will be an automatic turnoff. My partner is not responsible for this. He is NOT screwing us over. We live together and he helps us until we have everything figured out. Above all, we have always been best friends, and we still are today. It’s incredibly difficult for both of us. We’ve tried for so long to make things work, but now we realize it’s just not possible. And finally, thank you everyone for your support. I can’t even express in words how incredibly grateful I am for this outpouring of love. I have cried so many tears of gratitude at your comments and messages. Thank you so much. It means the world. #dog #dogsoftiktok #seniordog #fundraiser #gofundme #merch #pleasehelp

♬ I never had a chance – Katherine Li

“I’ve had men take advantage of me in vulnerable situations before,” she said, adding that she and her family did background checks on Niklas.

The two men were in constant contact before the theft, exchanging messages for almost two months.

However, Niklas admitted he was “a bit nervous” when the day rolled around and he went to meet Adri and Nelly at a Milan airport in January.

Turns out he had no reason to be nervous, with the two men chatting nonstop for the duration of the 15-hour flight, which included two stopovers.

Niklas said he felt an instant connection with the dog’s owner, including similar interests like photography and country music.

“It was just something about her,” he exclaimed. “We could talk about the most random things and it seems easy.”

Another indication that Niklas was someone special was Nelly’s instant affection for him.

“You would think she would be a little shy or not like strangers too much, but we got along really well the whole flight,” the pilot said.

Adri started posting videos on the TikTok she had for her other dog, Loki (pictured), which quickly went viral

Adri started posting videos on the TikTok she had for her other dog, Loki (pictured), which quickly went viral

Even as the traveling companions said goodbye in Newark, New Jersey, they couldn’t stop thinking about each other.

“A few days after the flight, I said, ‘You’re very impressive. If you keep this up, I’m going to invite you to California and take you on a date,” Adri recalled.

“I mean, it was clear that we were both interested in each other,” she added.

“I was happy that she took that first step,” Niklas confirmed.

Sadly, Nelly passed away about a month after they returned to California, but Adri is grateful for all the extra time she was able to spend with Nelly.

“Definitely the ultimate wingman,” she said.

The dashing aviator returned to visit Adri in California in March and met her family, but they don’t yet have any concrete plans to move or get married — as much as their TikTok followers would love to.

For now, Niklas has accepted a new job in Switzerland while Adri is taking classes in hopes of becoming a dog behaviorist.

“None of us really feel under pressure. We think it’s funny that TikTok supports us and is so enthusiastic, but we’re just doing our thing,” Adri explained.

‘Were happy. So that’s what matters.

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