
American Nightmare’s Denise Huskins Details Her Abduction

Denise Huskins opens with his horrific ordeal.

Nearly 10 years after the mysterious kidnapping involving her and now her husband Aaron Quinn led to accusations of a missing girl-inspired ruse, Denise, whose story was recently explored in the Netflix docuseries American Nightmare— recounted the terrifying night of March 23, 2015.

“I was dead asleep,” she explained to Alex Cooper in an April 2 episode of Call her daddy. “I thought I was dreaming. I was hearing a strange man’s voice and it was like my subconscious was in conflict. It was almost like it was saying, ‘Don’t wake up, don’t wake up. ‘”

That night, Denise and Aaron, then 29, had a long, emotional conversation about the state of their budding relationship at his home in Vallejo, California, before falling asleep. Then, around 3 a.m., the couple woke up to bright, flashing white lights, a group of men in their bedroom and a “distinct, almost robotic” voice that asked Denise to hold her boyfriend to using zip links.


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