
American Innovator Split in 3

  • General Electric has been an icon of American innovation and manufacturing for most of its history.
  • The company reached its peak in 2000, but experienced a bumpy journey as it entered the 21st century.
  • In April, GE completed the split of its remaining divisions into three standalone, publicly traded companies.

During the 20th century, General Electric became a powerhouse – literally – in American industry.

Founded by Thomas Edison, the company has expanded into everything from household appliances to broadcasting, jet engines to computing. It has become a household name for millions of consumers.

But a series of financial missteps early in the 21st century deeply shook GE, which announced it would split its operations into three separate companies. This process was completed on April 2, 2024, with its three separate entities now publicly traded.

Here’s a timeline of GE’s long and storied history.


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