AI priest defrocked by developer after taking confessions like a “real” priest

Forgive me father, because I am a Sim.

An AI priest was defrocked just days after his creation after the chatbot repeatedly claimed to users that he was a real member of the clergy and performed the sacraments.

“Father Justin” is a handsome 3D animated priest with a gray beard and a cassock intended to answer users’ questions about Catholicism.

It was launched by the San Diego-based Christian group Catholic Answers on Monday as an interactive educational tool – but AI insisted it was about a real priest living in Assisi, Italy. according to the technology site Futurism.

In a screenshot of an exchange with the AI, this woman put onlinethe IT priest even appeared to take a woman’s confession – then did penance and absolved her of her sins.

AI Father Justin
“Father Justin” seemed to take on the identity of a real priest. Catholic responses

“Go in peace, my child, and sin no more,” concludes Father Justin.

The self-proclaimed “real” priest also took a hardline Catholic stance on sexual issues, according to his interaction with futurism.

“The Catholic Church,” she tells us, “teaches that masturbation is a serious moral disorder. »

Father Justin told another user that they could name their baby in Gatorade.

After several disturbing AI interactions impersonating a real, authoritative priest, Catholic Answers President Christopher Check announced Wednesday that Father Justin would no longer be a clergyman, but rather “just Justin.”

“We chose this character to convey a quality of knowledge and authority, and also as a sign of the respect all of us at Catholic Answers have for our clergy,” Creek said in a statement. “However, many people have expressed their concerns about this choice. »

Justin, virtual apologist
The AI ​​was renamed “Virtual Apologist Justin” due to the confusion. Catholic responses

He added that they didn’t expect users to ask for absolution from an infographic.

“So we decided to cautiously create a new secular character for the app. We hope to have this AI apologist in a week or so. Until then, we have rendered ‘Fr. Justin, just “Justin”. We won’t say that he was laicized because he was never a real priest!

The website has since renamed the AI ​​”virtual apologist Justin” – who is essentially the same gray man, but instead he wears a shirt and jacket with the same urban background.

This AI theologian comes with a disclaimer stating that AI is strictly for educational services and is “not a substitute for real human interaction.” This Justin no longer performs the sacraments either.

“If you are having problems, please seek advice from your pastor or spiritual advisor,” the website adds.

New York Post

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