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World News

AI-intensive sectors show productivity increase, says PwC

LONDON (Reuters) – The types of businesses most likely to use artificial intelligence are seeing worker productivity growth almost five times faster than elsewhere, raising hopes for a recovery in the wider economy , said accounting firm PwC.

Productivity in professional and financial services and information technology increased by 4.3% between 2018 and 2022, compared to gains of 0.9% in construction, manufacturing and retail, food and transport, PwC said.

This data suggests that the rise of artificial intelligence could help countries break out of a rut of low productivity growth, boosting economic growth, wages and living standards, PwC said in a report published Tuesday.

Carol Stubbings, head of global markets and tax and legal services at PwC, said highly productive sectors were seeing faster growth in job postings for people with AI skills than those without skills, suggesting that AI has played a role in the higher productivity of these sectors.

The trend of technology-driven productivity growth is likely to accelerate as companies increasingly deploy generative AI that can be used by non-AI specialists, he said. she declared.

β€œThe challenge with AI, and particularly generative AI, is the speed of change,” Stubbings said.

Last week, International Monetary Fund Director Kristalina Georgieva said AI was hitting the global labor market “like a tsunami” and would likely impact 60% of jobs in advanced economies over the course of of the next two years.

The PwC report tracked and analyzed more than half a billion job postings from 15 wealthy countries and used data from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

It says jobs that require AI skills – including both specialist and non-AI specialist positions – generate an average premium of 25% in the US and 14% in Britain.

(Written by William Schomberg; edited by David Milliken)


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