
African Woman Kept Her Virginity For 103 Years While Waiting For White Boyfriend

MadameNoire Featured Video

A vitamin advert told the crazy story of an African woman who decided to remain a virgin if she couldn’t have her beloved white man.

Miriam decided to keep her virginity for 103 years to protect herself from a white man who left her when she was much younger. To be a In a documentary re-released on July 15, the woman opened up about her decision to wait for the white man to return and how she regrets it.

The B1 documentary clip begins by confirming that Mariam maintained her purity for over a century with the intention of saving herself for the white man who left her years ago.

Miriam explained: “I saw this white man and he ran away. I saw him again.”

The documentary’s spokesperson gave more context. He told Miriam’s story. “She met a white man one day and fell in love. They had big plans together and, despite having a good time, she chose to remain a virgin until marriage.”

Miriam described her love for this unnamed man as being so deep that she wanted to run away from him.

“However, the boyfriend mysteriously disappeared,” he said. At the height of their relationship, the man left. She was so devastated that she couldn’t imagine getting into another relationship, and she continually “pushed away other African men who were interested in her and waited for her man.”

Commenters under the Instagram video couldn’t help but point out the undertones of self-loathing in Miriam’s story.

One user wrote: “This is self-loathing of the highest order. I’m not shocked by many things, but what’s happening here really impressed me.”

Another commentator added“He returned home to his wife and children… the very definition of a complete colonist.”

The narrator of the documentary explains: “But until that day, he did not come back or even contact her. She remained single, but in the end, she felt betrayed.”

Miriam admitted feeling disappointed and betrayed in the end by the white man who left her, after keeping her virginity for 103 years for him without communication or attempted contact.

Responsible for Republishing, Olayinka Companies The documentary Be One sums it up this way: “No black man was good enough. She preferred to wait for her black hero. Self-hatred “It’s a terrible mental illness.”

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