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Adobe releases Acrobat AI assistant starting at $4.99 a month

Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen speaks during an interview with CNBC at the New York Stock Exchange on February 20, 2024.

Brendan McDermid | Reuters

Adobe on Monday released its artificial intelligence assistant, which helps users understand the content of digital documents. Monthly subscriptions start at $4.99.

As part of this release, Adobe is also launching a free mobile version of the tool in beta, capable of responding to voice commands, and offering the service to extensions on Microsoft Edge and Google Chromium.

Adobe has stated that the subscription price for this feature is “early access” pricing and will change in the future.

Adobe’s AI assistant.

Courtesy: Adobe

First announced and launched in beta in February, Adobe’s AI assistant answers users’ questions about PDFs and other documents in Acrobat using a chatbot interface to locate specific information, generate summaries and provide citations from the text.

Adobe said the tool can be used by taxpayers analyzing documents, consumers dealing with terms of service agreements, and students compiling study guides from academic documents.

Abhigyan Modi, senior vice president of Adobe’s Document Products Group, told CNBC that the company is working to expand the assistant’s ability to help users working on multiple documents at once.

“A documentary approach is somewhat different because we are not creating our own language models,” he said. “We always rely on your content and give you information about it.”

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