A Brockton park has been closed due to information reporting a possible avian flu epidemic. “The DW Field park is closed by caution due to wildlife problems,” said the park on social networks on Friday. “Due to recent events concerning birds, there could be a potential avian flu epidemic.” This announcement was made after the park officials said they had discovered swans and berchers from Canada who died earlier this week on the Porte Porte pond, located in the park. The officials said that a report had been submitted by the Brockton animal control department to the state and department of fauna, fishing and game from Massachusetts. The Brockton Parks Department said it would continue to work with local and state authorities on the situation. Park managers ask the public to nourish any bird in the park, because avian flu can be transmitted to humans. They also ask the public to report sick and dead wild birds at Mass.gov/Forms/report-observations-of- Wild birds dead and sick or dead poultry in Mass.gov/Forms/poultry-disease-Rporting-form.
A Brockton park has been closed due to reports of a possible avian flu epidemic.
“The DW Field park is closed for caution due to wildlife problems,” the park on social networks announced on Friday. “Due to recent events concerning birds, there could be a potential avian flu epidemic.”
This announcement was made after the park officials said they had discovered swans and Bernaches from Canada who died earlier this week on the Porte Porte pond, located in the park.
The park officials said that a report had been submitted to the state and department of fauna, fishing and hunting for Massachusetts through the Brockton animal control department.
The Brockton Parks Department said it would continue to work with local and state authorities on the situation.
Park managers ask the public to nourish any bird in the park, because avian flu can be transmitted to humans.
They also ask the public to report sick and dead wild birds at Mass.gov/Forms/report-observations-of-dead-wild-birds and sick or dead poultry in Mass.gov/Forms/poultry-disease-Rporting- . form.