
A neutral general at the head of the EU’s highest military body – POLITICO

The EUMC is made up of the chiefs of defense of EU member countries. Its role is to advise on the planning and execution of the bloc’s military missions and operations and to provide military advice to the Political and Security Committee, a body made up of EU ambassadors that deals with affairs defense and security.

The EUMC is an often forgotten body, so much so that Ireland included a lengthy note to editors in its announcement to explain why the appointment is important.

Member countries could have chosen a general with NATO ties instead of Clancy. Also vying for the presidency were Slovenian Lieutenant General Robert Glavaš and Polish General Sławomir Wojciechowski, currently Poland’s representative to the EU and NATO military committees.

Poland is the largest military spender in NATO, devoting more than 4% of its GDP to defense, and is engaged in a massive rearmament program aimed at deterring Russia.

“How can the EUMC be taken seriously if, at such a critical historical moment, when we need rapid coordination with NATO in order to strengthen European preparedness, it is chaired by a non-member state of NATO?” » said a diplomat.

Clancy’s supporters claim that traditionally the EUMC president is the senior commander of a national army, which is not the case for Wojciechowski. The election was held by secret ballot.

Clancy will now have to be ratified by European leaders; he will take office in May 2025 for three years.


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