Mumbai Police have apprehended a man who allegedly stabbed actor Saif Ali Khan at his residence in Mumbai on January 16. The arrest took place early on Sunday, January 19, 2025 in Thane, Maharashtra. The suspect, identified as Mohammad Shehzad, initially provided a false name but admitted to breaking into the actor’s home and carrying out the attack.
The accused, who worked in a housekeeping agency, was arrested from a labor camp near a metro rail construction site in the Hiranandani Estate area of the city. Officials of Vile Parle police station in Mumbai made a breakthrough leading to the arrest.
Police revealed that Saif Ali Khan’s attacker used several aliases, including Bijoy Das, Vijay Das, Mohammad Illyas and BJ. According to India Today, he resides in West Bengal. Mohammad was brought to Bandra for questioning in connection with the case. He is expected to appear in court this morning to be remanded in police custody.
Police are also investigating whether the attacker is an Indian citizen or a Bangladeshi national using a fake Indian identity.
Mumbai Police is expected to hold a press conference at 9 am on January 19, 2025, to share more details about the arrest. Before apprehending the attacker, posters featuring his images from CCTV footage, showing him descending the stairs of Saif Ali Khan’s house, were put up in and around Mumbai.
Mumbai Police had assembled teams to hunt down the attacker after he appeared in several CCTV recordings, including footage of him at Dadar railway station after the incident.
The breakthrough came when a suspect was arrested from Durg, Chhattisgarh, in connection with the case. The Mumbai Police team visited Durg to question the suspect, identified as 31-year-old Aakash Kailash Kannojia.
The Chhattisgarh Railway Protection Force (RPF) apprehended the suspect while he was traveling on the Gyaneshwari Express in Durg district. The Mumbai Police had provided the suspect’s photograph and location details to the railway authorities, leading to the interception.
Earlier, another individual was arrested in Madhya Pradesh, fueling speculation about his involvement in the Saif Ali Khan stabbing case. However, officials clarified that the person was not related and was linked to another case.
ALSO READ: Saif Ali Khan attack: Police arrest suspects from Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh in connection with stabbing incident; see PIC of the latter