
’90 Day Fiancé’ Recap: Rob Tearfully Decides to Split From Sophie

Published on July 7, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)

After months of back and forth, it looks like Rob Warne is ready to finally end his marriage to Sophie Sierra. On Sunday’s episode of 90 Day Fiancé: Did They Live Happily Ever After?Rob and Sophie both found themselves in situations where it was easy to walk away from their marriage given that they live apart despite their young marriage. At the end of the episode, Rob tearfully decided to end their relationship.

After tying the knot and moving to Austin, Texas, At Rob and Sophie’s the relationship has deteriorated instead of becoming stronger. Sophie’s mother still strongly disapproved by Rob which definitely put a strain on their marriage, and Sophie decided to move in with her friend, Kae, instead of working things out while living together. On Sunday’s episode, Rob went to Kansas City, Missouri alone to celebrate his birthday while Sophie stayed behind and went to the club with Kae. As Sophie opened up to Kae about her issues with Rob, Kae made a surprising confession to the cameras. Kae said she prayed every night that Sophie and Rob would break up so she could marry Sophie, who is bisexual.

“If I could have the perfect world, Rob would be there and it would be Sophie and me forever,” Kae said. “I would marry her, I would do whatever I needed. She’s my girl. She’s my girl. She’s the other half of my soul.”

Meanwhile, in Kansas City, a waitress at the club where Rob was celebrating his birthday approached him aggressively and asked for his number. Rob didn’t give it to her but flirted back.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this kind of interest,” Rob told the cameras. “I mean, I haven’t had sex in a long time, and I’ve got a girl here who seems pretty interested in me. I could scratch that itch.”

Sophie eventually called Rob and wished him a happy birthday while he was at the club, but the conversation was awkward. Rob said he felt like Sophie was leading him on.

“I feel like she’s manipulative, like she probably thought she wanted to play with him because maybe him going to the club means he’s forgotten about me,” he said. “‘I love you, Rob.’ I hear that and I’m like, ‘What the fuck?’ Because her actions show that she doesn’t love me.”

Rob later shed tears as he said he was ready to end the marriage after returning from his trip with no more calls from Sophie, and with her continuing to live with Kae.

“I woke up and thought about the last few days and I can’t seem to get anywhere with her,” he said. “Sophie tells me she needs time after she’s had so much time already. I feel like she’s trying to get me under her wing and she keeps pulling me along.”

“The last thing I wanted was for it to not work out,” he added. “But I did everything I could. I was hoping that I could get to a point where we could start functioning together and be normal, where I could just be her husband and she could just be my wife. But she didn’t give me a chance to make anything work. I can’t understand her and she clearly can’t understand me. So we probably should just, we shouldn’t be together.”

Rob asked Sophie to join him at Kae’s.

“I’ve never really done this before,” he said before they met. “I’ve never really had to let go of someone I cared about so much. So I don’t know what she’s going to say, but I can’t let it matter.”

“You know, I’m about to break up with my wife,” he continued. “I’m about to end this relationship and it’s very scary. I don’t want to make the wrong decision, but you know, Sophie and I have been about to break up for a while, but she’s not going to call me. She’s not going to volunteer to talk about this stuff. I have to make this decision for us.”

AND spoke to Sophie before this season of 90 Day Fiancé: Did They Live Happily Ever After?and she opened up about her ongoing trust issues with Rob after he cheated on her online. Watch the video below to learn more.


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