
8 Shocking Facts About ‘Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies & Scandal’ From Netflix Cheat Website Document

Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies and Scandal (Netflix)

Two of the main characters in the series are Christian YouTubers Sam and Nia Rader. Their story begins like any relationship: romantic and with plans for the future. The young Texas couple found their niche when they went viral for a video of them performing “Love Is an Open Door” from the Disney movie “Frozen” while driving. The couple hit the jackpot: family vlogging. However, before and during their online fame, Sam used Ashley Madison to have numerous relationships with women who were not his wife, Nia.

For years, Sam continued to claim that he was Nia’s devoted and loving Christian husband and father to their two children. However, that changed when Ashley Madison was hacked. In the data leak, Sam’s affairs and his use of the dating service were revealed.

At first he only told part of the truth. In a YouTube apology video posted to the couple’s channel, Sam said at the time: “As you may have seen, my name has been linked to an Ashley Madison account. I’m here to clarify some things with you, because I owe it to you: I created the account. I created the account two years ago. This is a problem that belongs to our past. This was before I started YouTube.

He denied having an affair on the website and said: “The account was opened out of pure carnal desires and simple curiosity. » Even Nia bought into this story.

But in the docuseries, Sam admits, “Most of what I said in the video was lies.” It was just, “Protect yourself, man. »

Ultimately, it is revealed that Sam had cheated throughout his relationship with Nia through Ashley Madison, in “massage parlors and strip clubs” and “in two emotional relationships” with Nia’s own friends.

The couple are still together and have reconciled despite Sam’s infidelities. “Nia, she decided she would give me a second chance,” Sam said. “I learned that continuing to be deeply in love takes work . There’s a lot of things I really regret, but I don’t regret, you know, piracy.

Nia told Netflix: “I believe marriages can be healed. It’s worth fighting to repair your marriage.”

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News Source : www.salon.com

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