World News

38 Things Americans Say ALL THE TIME That Make Absolutely No Sense to Non-Americans

Hey, hello, hello fellow Americans.

Four smiling friends holding an American flag together, expressing unity and patriotism

Liudmila Tchernetska / Getty Images

I have a list of things you probably say that confuse non-Americans everywhere.

Buckle up because here we go….

1.When a TV show says it airs at “8/7c.”

2.When someone identifies as a “hockey mom.”

3.When real estate listings say the house has “2.5 baths.”

4.When someone says they are “transferring to a 4 year school”.

5.When Americans say “bite me”.

6.When someone is “punished”.

7.When Americans say, “I don’t disagree.”

8.The term “dive bar”.

9.The term “shopping”.

ten.When Americans use the expression “name of government”.

11.When Americans say they’re going to “cool off.”

12.The term “cheesy”.

13.When Americans say they “haven’t done __ in a minute.”

14.When Americans call someone a “tool”.

15.What is “tailgating”?

16.When Americans say “period” after a sentence.

17.When Americans say “sidebar” in conversation.

18.When Americans say they have “finals”.

19.When Americans say someone has “drank the Kool Aid.”

20.When Americans say “I’m just saying.”

21.When Americans use “blocks” as a form of measurement.

22.When Americans ask “what’s the 411 on that?”

23.What is pudding.

24.When Americans wish someone a “happy lateness”.

25.When Americans use “football fields” as a means of measurement.

26. When Americans say they’re from the “tri-state area.”

Twitter: @MAEC360TA

27. When Americans say “eat me”.

Twitter: @andrewjwoods

28. When Americans say they want cream in their coffee.

Twitter: @_mexxan

29. When Americans talk about “fake cheese”.

Twitter: @sechanini

30. When Americans talk about the taste of McDonald’s Sprite.

Twitter: @anto123arci

31. When Americans answer “I’m fine” to almost every question.

Twitter: @mrbiblejesus

32. When Americans say they just paid their taxes.

Twitter: @reenythegenie

33. When American recipes call for “a stick of butter”.

Twitter: @gIossfms

34. When Americans say they experience “Sunday scares.”

Twitter: @findingmalo

35. When Americans call the UK “across the Atlantic”.

Twitter: @dwinwediblino

36. When Americans say “sacred cow”.

Twitter: @llleeds69

37. The number of times Americans use “like.”

Twitter: @DaGirlShellyann

38. And finally, oatmeal. Just, what is this?!?!

Twitter: @kingneilz1


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