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22 People Who Embarrassed Yourself Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much Worse Than You Probably Ever Have

1.This person who sent an intimate text message to the wrong person:

A screenshot of a text conversation showing a humorous and confusing morning welcome message with typos and an apology at the endA screenshot of a text conversation showing a humorous and confusing morning welcome message with typos and an apology at the end
u/HarryFlashman1927 / Via reddit.com

2.This person who posted this humiliating story online:

u/TheMemeMkaer / Via reddit.com

3.This person who randomly sent an OnlyFans creator a Harry Styles cover:

u/Dirtyslutforyou99 / Via reddit.com

4.This person who messaged someone he loved his unfiltered thoughts:

u/papayathechicken / Via reddit.com

5.This person who took to Facebook to seek validation:

Facebook post stating Facebook post stating
u/musntbeconsumed / Via reddit.com

6.This person who posted the worst third wheel story ever on the internet:

Screenshot of a social media comment telling a personal story of an unexpected movie experienceScreenshot of a social media comment telling a personal story of an unexpected movie experience
u.647Med / Via reddit.com

7.This person who proudly claimed to have an empty life:

r/Husters University

8.This mom who wanted to get this period sign to go out with her son:

Sign with humor Sign with humor
u/nautical1776 / Via reddit.com

9.This person who accidentally sent their boss a text message ABOUT said boss:

Text messages discussing someone pretending to work harder than they do, with accidentally sending an inappropriate messageText messages discussing someone pretending to work harder than they do, with accidentally sending an inappropriate message
u/Time_Advisor4822 / Via reddit.com

ten.This person who spoke too soon:

Screenshot of a conversation in which a person suggests breaking up with a boyfriend for their friend, then wonders who this friend isScreenshot of a conversation in which a person suggests breaking up with a boyfriend for their friend, then wonders who this friend is
u/ladiesman21700000000 / Via reddit.com

11.This person who was caught in the lie of all lies:

u/ContributionOk4879 / Via reddit.com

12.This person who decided to be bold and take a chance on their crush:

Screenshot of a tweetScreenshot of a tweet
Twitter / @helenabadger / Via reddit.com

13.This person who tried to be flexible, but killed any chance of getting a date:

u/AsianVixen4U / Via reddit.com

14.This person who was so insecure that she told her friend not to wear makeup around her boyfriend:

u/MeekAirtime / Via reddit.com

15.This person who was going through some kind of crisis at 4 a.m. when she sent this message to her colleague:

u/mothmans_dad / Via reddit.com

16.This person who got a new number to contact the ex they cheated on:

u/RiOT-Septic / Via reddit.com

17.This person who wrote a narrative post as their opening message on Tinder:

u/ladiesman21700000000 / Via reddit.com

18.This person who considered himself his own dog:

u/Failingunistudent_ / Via reddit.com

19.This person who became WAY too vulnerable with their colleague:

u/anononymous / Via reddit.com

20.This person who wrote an article about missed hookups claiming he DID NOT ask a woman out:

u/ladiesman21700000000 / Via reddit.com

21.This person who admitted to being in a relationship and then tried to continue talking to someone they slept with:

u/Readkt92 / Via reddit.com

22.And finally, this person who submitted news to their boss with two weeks’ notice:

u/Autam / Via reddit.com
u/Autam / Via reddit.com
u/Autam / Via reddit.com


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