News Net Daily

19 Signs From Last Week That Made Me Laugh So Hard I Popped a Muscle in My Back and Shed a Single Tear

Dear reader, you have made it through another difficult week of existence – I am so proud of you!!! As a reward, enjoy the funniest signs of the week, courtesy of r/funnysigns:

1.“That’s a win-win.”

2.“I saw this poster in my neighborhood.”

3.“The ad attracted attention.”

4.“Which way would you turn?”

5.“Who’s playing here?”

6.“Every joke has some truth.”

7.“Such a long day.”

8.“Good invention.”

9.“Do not do it.”

ten.“I’m disappointed.”

11.“Be careful.”

12.“Effective fire extinguisher.”

13.“Whoever did this is right.”

14.“Not bad. 🤔🤔”

15.“You need a better graphic designer.”

16.“Do you understand? This isn’t a drill.”

17.“Things I hate.”

18.“They always bring up legal issues.”

19.“I’m sure he’s a nice guy.”

Don’t miss the funniest signs from last week:

19 Funny Signs From Last Week That Made Me Laugh For 3.5 Minutes Straight


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