World News

19 Signs From Last Week That Made Me Laugh So Hard I Popped a Muscle in My Back and Shed a Single Tear

Dear reader, you have made it through another difficult week of existence – I am so proud of you!!! As a reward, enjoy the funniest signs of the week, courtesy of r/funnysigns:

1.“That’s a win-win.”

Sign on the glass door offering 10% off to spot spelling mistakes in the menuSign on the glass door offering 10% off to spot spelling mistakes in the menu

2.“I saw this poster in my neighborhood.”

Lost cat poster with humorous text, claiming that the cat is a liar by saying it is not fed and is on a dietLost cat poster with humorous text, claiming that the cat is a liar by saying it is not fed and is on a diet

3.“The ad attracted attention.”

A sign indicates A sign indicates

4.“Which way would you turn?”

A road marking with a spelling error should read: A road marking with a spelling error should read:

5.“Who’s playing here?”

Workers repair a stadium sign where some letters are missing or coveredWorkers repair a stadium sign where some letters are missing or covered

6.“Every joke has some truth.”

Sign with a hiking tip advising to stay put if lost in the woods for a better chance of being found, with a playful remarkSign with a hiking tip advising to stay put if lost in the woods for a better chance of being found, with a playful remark

7.“Such a long day.”

Sign announcing the closure of the bridge for one day between October 17 and 28Sign announcing the closure of the bridge for one day between October 17 and 28

8.“Good invention.”

Sign on a beer glass reads Sign on a beer glass reads

9.“Do not do it.”

A sign partially obscured by bushes indicates A sign partially obscured by bushes indicates

ten.“I’m disappointed.”

Sign with humor announcement a Sign with humor announcement a

11.“Be careful.”

Sign warning of a cougar in the area, advising to stay on trails and not allow males under 30 to travel aloneSign warning of a cougar in the area, advising to stay on trails and not allow males under 30 to travel alone

12.“Effective fire extinguisher.”

Reading signs Reading signs

13.“Whoever did this is right.”

Sign in the Christadelphian meeting room indicating Sign in the Christadelphian meeting room indicating

14.“Not bad. 🤔🤔”

Blackboard with humorous comparison of miles walked and beer consumption, credited to Jim BeamBlackboard with humorous comparison of miles walked and beer consumption, credited to Jim Beam

15.“You need a better graphic designer.”

Warning sign with a handwritten note reading Warning sign with a handwritten note reading

16.“Do you understand? This isn’t a drill.”

Sign in the shape of an overturned hammer with text Sign in the shape of an overturned hammer with text

17.“Things I hate.”

Handwritten note listing humorously contradictory dislikes: vandalism, lists, irony, repetition and inconsistencyHandwritten note listing humorously contradictory dislikes: vandalism, lists, irony, repetition and inconsistency

18.“They always bring up legal issues.”

A handwritten note containing humorous complaints about the blood donation processA handwritten note containing humorous complaints about the blood donation process

19.“I’m sure he’s a nice guy.”

A note on the window warns not to open more than a crack because of geese, with one goose visible outsideA note on the window warns not to open more than a crack because of geese, with one goose visible outside

Don’t miss the funniest signs from last week:

19 Funny Signs From Last Week That Made Me Laugh For 3.5 Minutes Straight


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