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19 Funny Signs From Last Week That Made Me Laugh For 3.5 Minutes Straight

Another week has passed, and you know what that means: it’s time to enjoy the funniest signs of the week, courtesy of r/funnysigns:

1.“So it’s fart water.”

The sign reads

2.“Graphically accurate.”

Sign with Sign with

3.“Oh fuck… OK?”

Electronic sign display Electronic sign display

4.“From the Netherlands.”

Humorous warning sign stating that children left unattended will be sold to the circusHumorous warning sign stating that children left unattended will be sold to the circus

5.“He’s so sad.”

Handwritten note asking if an octopus should have fewer legs, with Handwritten note asking if an octopus should have fewer legs, with

6.“If you have an idea, let me know.”

Reading signs Reading signs

7.“Thank you, Captain Obvious.”

A fireplace with flames and a warning sign A fireplace with flames and a warning sign

8.“Programmer’s joke.”

Sign up on a wall with a programmer joke that says Sign up on a wall with a programmer joke that says

9.“Never say never.”

Printer ink cartridge shelves with empty stock and a sign reading 'Never run out of ink'.Printer ink cartridge shelves with empty stock and a sign reading 'Never run out of ink'.

ten.“Malicious Compliance.”

The sign reads The sign reads

11.“Well… hmmm.”

Billboard with text Billboard with text

12.“Be really wary.”

Humorous sign with Humorous sign with

13.“In an emergency, die.”

Emergency telephone with the number Emergency telephone with the number

14.“Say what? Eat what ?

A road sign indicates A road sign indicates

15.“I don’t think I want to know.”

Sign in front of a house bed Sign in front of a house bed

16.“The sign just saves the day with enthusiasm.”

Warning sign on stairs with humorous message about fabulous fallWarning sign on stairs with humorous message about fabulous fall

17.“Coffee is life!”

Reading a humorous sign Reading a humorous sign

18.“I think we can all agree on that.”

The sign reads The sign reads

19.“What did Joe do?”

Sign States Sign States

Don’t miss the funniest signs from last week:

18 signs from last week that are funnier than you’ll ever be


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