18-foot-long decomposed whale carcass washes ashore in La Jolla

The carcass of an 18-foot-long whale washed up on the shores of La Jolla Wednesday evening and the remains were transported to a landfill early Thursday, officials said.

The whale was found around 5:45 p.m. in front of the La Jolla Shores Hotel, north of the boat ramp, city spokesman Jose Ysea said.

The whale’s body was badly decomposed – and authorities didn’t know what species it was or what led to its death.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists took a tissue sample from the whale and hoped to learn more after conducting genetic testing, a spokesperson said.

β€œI hope this will help identify the species of whale and possibly provide other details,” said Michael Milstein, a NOAA spokesman. β€œIt may be a gray whale but too decomposed to be able to tell immediately. This is the period when grays migrate north.

The whale’s remains were transported to the Miramar landfill on Thursday, officials said.

California Daily Newspapers

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