17 states challenge new EEOC rules on abortion accommodation: NPR

An examination room is seen inside Planned Parenthood in March 2023. Republican attorneys general from 17 states filed a lawsuit Thursday, challenging new federal rules allowing workers leave and other accommodations for abortions, calling the rules an illegal interpretation of a 2022 federal law.

Jeff Roberson/AP

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Jeff Roberson/AP

An examination room is seen inside Planned Parenthood in March 2023. Republican attorneys general from 17 states filed a lawsuit Thursday, challenging new federal rules allowing workers leave and other accommodations for abortions, calling the rules an illegal interpretation of a 2022 federal law.

Jeff Roberson/AP

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Republican attorneys general from 17 states filed a lawsuit Thursday challenging new federal rules allowing workers leave and other accommodations for abortions, calling the rules an illegal interpretation of a law federal government of 2022.

The lawsuit by Tennessee and Arkansas comes since finalized federal regulations were released Monday to provide guidance to employers and workers on how to implement the Pregnant Worker Fairness Act. The text means workers can request time off to obtain an abortion and recover from the procedure.

The rules, which the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission adopted in a 3-2 vote along party lines, will take effect June 18. The lawsuit filed in Arkansas federal court argues that the regulations go beyond the scope of the 2022 law passed with both parties. support.

“This is yet another attempt by the Biden administration to impose an administrative fiat on what cannot be passed by Congress,” Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin said in a statement . “Under this sweeping interpretation of the PWFA, business owners will face federal prosecution if they do not accept abortions from employees, even if those abortions are illegal under state law. “

An EEOC spokesperson referred questions to the Justice Department, which did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

A Better Balance, one of the Pregnant Workers’ Fairness Act’s most vocal advocates, called the lawsuit a baseless attack on the law’s protections.

“This lawsuit represents a bad faith effort to politicize what is a vital protection for the health and economic security of millions of families, and a continuation of alarming attacks on women’s health and reproductive choice,” said Dina Bakst , co-president of the group. said in a statement. “We are committed to fighting to defend workers’ rights under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act.”

The EEOC said the new law does not require employers or employer-sponsored health plans to cover abortion-related costs, and that the type of accommodation that will most likely be sought under of the Pregnant Workers’ Fairness Act regarding an abortion is leave to attend. a medical appointment or for convalescence, which is not chargeable.

Other states joining the lawsuit include Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah and West Virginia.

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