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16 Life-Changing Amazon Products You Never Knew You Needed

We independently selected these deals and products because we love them and we think you might like them at these prices. E! has affiliate relationships, so we may receive a commission if you purchase something through our links. Items are sold by the retailer and not E!. Prices are accurate at time of publication.

Look, we’ve all bought random things online at one time or another. And although sometimes these items remain unused in our homes, every now and then the random purchase actually happens and you can no longer imagine your life without it. If there’s one place you can buy random things you never knew you needed, it’s Amazon. However, with millions of products to choose from, it can be difficult to determine which products are truly hit or miss and which will be life-changing. Lucky for you, our job is to sort through Amazon’s product selection to find these hidden gems, many of which end up going viral on TikTok.

From cleaning products to beauty finds and home improvements, we’ve found standout products in every category that reviewers swear by. Grab this foot balm, which you can rub all over your feet to prevent blisters, or these sponges that collect dust effortlessly better than a traditional duster and a reusable lint roller that you can use on clothes and furniture (not to mention that it contains 137,400+ pieces). 5 star ratings). The best part is that these items aren’t expensive at all, and many of these products are backed by thousands of glowing 5-star reviews, which is the true test of what’s worth your money on Amazon.


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