
13 Gemini Outfit Ideas to Try

Gemini, the “cool teenager” of the Zodiac, is the astrological social butterfly. We’re constantly looking for activities, friends and new experiences, which means we can experience a lot in terms of fashion. “Geminis love to indulge in a wide range of hobbies and are constantly learning new skills, which requires a wardrobe that honors their multifaceted lifestyle,” says astrology and horoscope expert Evan Nathaniel Grim. .

As pop culture astrologer Kyle Thomas explains, Geminis “seek to look hip, modern, and fashionable in an effort to associate with trends, which ultimately makes them desirable and accessible to all people.” people they meet at any time. He adds: “The key to not being pulled in a multitude of directions stylistically is to embrace your ability to change and be open to the mood that feels most authentic to you at any given moment. Embodying your vibrant, childlike energy will make you feel free and fabulous!”

So if you’re leveling up your style as a fashion-forward Gemini (or just want to channel some of our Gemini spirit), keep reading.

Yellow as a powerful color


For Thomas, yellow is a must-have in any Gemini’s wardrobe because it’s their “powerful color,” he explains. “An expressive color like yellow could also emphasize the desire to express thoughts and socialize,” adds Grim. If bright yellow seems like too much, opt for a shade with a hint of lime or opt for a light buttery yellow instead.

Blue for your air sign


“Gemini is a mutable air sign, which makes them communicative and adaptable, so the color blue would be apropos, since blue represents the throat chakra,” says Grim. This can be a bold cobalt, if you want a pop of color, or a lighter sky blue like this one. During the warmer months, opt for a light and airy ensemble for a pajama-chic vibe.

Lettering, logos and prints


Any clothing choice that features words or a graphic print would be suitable, says Grim, because “Geminis are very expressive, vocal and articulate.” So, wearing a shirt with real lips on it will be a clear indicator that you’re about to be the life of the party — and it’s a good mix between your classic and trendy impulses.

Flowing fabrics


This summer, a Gemini’s personal life is about to be exceptionally busy and exciting, so “embrace flowy fabrics and styles that also bring a little pop and style!” » said Thomas. This kaftan type dress takes a bit of the romantic, earthy side of their astrological younger sister (Taurus) with a bit more structure and fashion.

A jumpsuit or one piece


“Geminis are not easy to define, and so their fashion style often encompasses multi-purpose outfits,” says Grim, and Thomas adds that a jumpsuit or equally casual outfit (like a tweed jumpsuit!) will make perfectly bring out their personality. It’s the perfect garment to show how we Geminis contain multitudes and can pull off even the most difficult to wear trends.

Contrasting colors


“Outfits that highlight contrasting colors, shapes, or patterns would be in keeping with the Gemini expression,” says Grim. Think: Pair two items you wouldn’t normally pair, like a colorful floral sweater and pinstriped suit shorts. You’ll be surprised how effective it is to bring all your aesthetics together in one outfit.

An outfit accessible on foot


Because Gemini likes to walk and explore (even if it’s just in their own neighborhood), choose “dress that encourages travel,” says Grim. That means shoes, layers, and a cool pair of sunglasses. But because you’re a Gemini, you also want to bring in your powerful color (yellow) to show off your quirky coolness.

If wearing brightly colored clothing seems like too much, try the hue as an accessory or shoe.

Loose tops


Geminis love to combine fashion and function to perfectly encapsulate how much they enjoy social activities. “They also tend to incorporate a lot of arm movements and hand gestures when communicating, so maintaining shoulder flexibility would also be ideal,” says Grim. If you’re not interested in wearing a colorful outfit, creating contrast in texture and layers is another way to add vibrancy and dimension.

A dress for dancing


If you’re going out for the day and doing a multitude of activities (coffee, shopping, dinner, then a fun night out), you can’t go wrong with a slip dress. “Many Geminis enjoy dancing and therefore choose an outfit that promotes fluid body movements,” says Grim. Bonus points if you choose comfortable shoes that you can slip on and off at any time.

Verified impressions


Gemini can create patterns like a pro as part of their bright personality, but don’t rule out a more muted, prettier pattern in your wardrobe. “Plaid prints would highlight Gemini’s dualistic nature; ultimately, they can dance between a whole range of fashion styles,” says Grim. You can make it more fun with a matching color on top for a tonal, head-to-toe outfit.

Whimsical patterns


Looks like Coachella style was made for us. Geminis want to stand out in a crowd, so whimsical and cheerful designs suit us perfectly, says Thomas. Pairing a few statement pieces, like this jacket and a graphic tee, is a fun way to go a little maximalist while still keeping the look cohesive. And it’s always a good idea to have practical shoes.

Adaptable diapers


For Geminis on the go, “I would recommend choosing outfits that are versatile and adaptable to different settings,” says Grim. A button-down shirt that can be taken on or off (and make it more work-appropriate or more casual depending on how you wear it) is the perfect example, as is the layering poncho. Replace heels with sneakers or carry comfortable shoes in your bag.

Surprise and versatility


Since Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which “is a ‘versatile’ planet, it favors all kinds of experimentation and promotes androgyny!” said Thomas. That could mean a surprising color (Adidas sneakers in our powerhouse color of yellow), a cool accessory (yellow shades), cool girl layers (a sweater draped casually over the shoulders), or all three. Get out there and experiment, Gemini!


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